我々新潟県民および見附市民は、3.11東日本大震災の被災者の皆様方に 過去数年間に我々が受けたご支援の幾分かでもご恩返しがすべく活動をしております。
新潟県全体としては1万人に近づく被災者の方を受け入れています。 我が見附市でも今日現在、その内の約400名が滞在されています。 市役所と市民が共同で、当地に避難されてこられた方々および被災地に残っておられる方々に、ヒト・モノ・カネの提供を実施中です。 鈴木晃氏が会長となっている見附国際交流としても、ささやかながら、当会長の呼びかけで第一次義援金を見附市に届けました。
新潟県は直近の数年という短い期間(2004~2007)に、残念ながら、歴史に残るような自然大災害を被りました。 2004/7月の中越地区集中豪雨・河川洪水、同じ年の10月には中越大地震。 さらには、わずか三年後の2007/7月にも中越沖大地震。 この震災(地震と津波)の結果、柏崎の電発が被害を受け、数年間を復旧に要していることは皆さまもご記憶にあると思います。 これらの自然災害に際し、日本各地より寄せられた多大なご支援に深く感謝しております。 この度の未曾有の大震災において、新潟県、および、見附市は これまで受けたご恩の幾分でもお返しすべく、県知事、市長の指導の下に活動を続けております。
新潟県民も復興してきています。 東日本、とりわけ被害甚大な東北の方々も、必ずや不屈のご精神を示されるものと信じております。
山岸誠一郎、新潟県見附市 (見附国際交流協会)
To Yasko Ukai,
I am sending you my first message in response to Mr. Akira Suzuki, a driver and a friend to you, who is Chairman of Mitsuke International Exchange Association of which I am a new member.
We are very much encouraged by your efforts in opening your blog for international communication and also to support those in Northern (Tohoku) regions of Japan seriously devastated by 3/11 biggest earthquakes and following record breaking tsunami. Our township, Mitsuke, Niigata prefecture on the Japan sea coast, is one of the areas who offer shelter and welcome those suffered. Niigata prefecture as a whole have welcomed almost 10,000 evacuees and our Mitsuke have received around 400 people. The city and the citizens in cooperation are extending volunteering assistance to our new and temporary citizens in addition to donation, monetary and of materials.
Niigata prefecture, in particular Mitsuke city, recently suffered from unusual natural disasters. During the short period from 2004 through 2007, Mitsuke citizens had devastating rainfalls and succeeding river flood in July, 2004. The then biggest earthquake seriously damaged us in October of the same year. In addition, in July 2007, we had another big earthquake which damaged the nuclear power plant in Kashiwazaki, Niigata and shutdown it for a few years. We received lots of help from many parts of Japan and overseas.
We won’t forget it and now is the time for us in Niigata to return the same to Tohoku citizens. Mr. Akira Suzuki took an initiative in calling on the members of Mitsuke International Exchange Association for donation.
We continue stand by and with those who need assistance now.
Seiichiro (Steve) Yamagishi, Mitsuke, Niigata prefecture, Japan April 4, 2011
Japan has always been known to be a very brave and resilient country as well as its people.
ReplyDeleteThe record breaking earthquakes and tsunami have brought calamities to this country.
I believe that the Japanese people will survive these bad times and come back stronger as they have always been able to do before.
My message to those affected is"Stay Strong".
If you can survive the worst possible war on earth, this is just another bad dream that will vanish soon enough before you know it.