All are hearts and orayers go out to you always.Always in one mind and hearts. God bless you all and may god be with you alwais times like this and help you be strong.All our love and strong is sent you way on gods wings.
I have deep sorry for all. Please take care of each other.Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
Wishing everyone would be HAPPY from the bottom of the heart as soon as possible...
All over the world is praying for Japan with much love.
Weall feel your pain. May God be with all.
The Santana family
America and its many different people all feel a special attatchment to the Japanese people. Our hearts are sad for families of the victims of the Tsunami and earthquake. We pray for you will heal and recover.
Hope they make a quick recovery.
We at central park hostel love Japanese people.
We pray for all the Japanese people who are .....still wishing .......
Keep your head up!!
For my brother in Japan,
Dont worry is tomorrow the sun still coming up and I hope you have to see the future.
Because in the next time, you still have good day & happy with the new life better from better.
I hope kiss!
To all opur Japanese friends
We are one in 7/11
You not alone.
I hope something like this will never happen again!
We all send you good thoughts.
We think of you!
God bless Japan and all families living there!
A horrible treadgedy, Im really sorry!
Good luck for everything.../Mary from Germany
May there be love & peace to Japan & the world.
Pray for the japanese people.
My thoughts and prayers are for a speedly recovery.
Life back to normal as soon as poossible.
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